The Three-Years Academic Diploma qualifies a new and interesting professional figure characterized by the synthesis of the formative, interpretative, technical aspects of the architect and of the artistic-creative and propositive aspects of the designer. Two cultures, two mentalities, two models of thought that are integrated and strengthened thanks to the path proposed by a study plan attentive to the balance and the interaction of the two components.
Professional outlets
The operational areas are both public: institutions, museums, small and medium-sized enterprises, industry, and private: design studies, advertising and business communication, design. They concern the design of living and commercial interiors, as of the exterior that qualify urban furniture. In these areas the architect-designer applies his skills in the field of design and art: interior design and design, advertising, organization of space; technical: architectural design of interiors, and communication: design as a communication vehicle, completing the two realities of design and communication.
Study Plan for Three-Years Academic Diploma in Interior Architecture and Design
The course includes basic training activities: interior design, technical and design drawing, type of materials, history of design and computer graphics, for a total of 46 credits.
The characterizing activities carried out in the three years will be divided into: Decoration, Elements of urban architecture, Design, Ecodesign, Landscape design, Graphic design, Techniques of digital modeling and 3D computer, and Photography, for a total of 62 credits.
The study plan also includes integrative (or similar) educational activities: Techniques and technologies of decoration, Modeling, Design of stands, Style, history of art and humanities, Methodologies of restoration, Phenomenology of contemporary arts, Cultural and environmental heritage , Management for art, for a total of 40 credits, to which are added 10 credits of the educational activities chosen by the student: Planning of urban and territorial interventions, Web design, Multimedia techniques of decoration, Drawing and survey of cultural heritage, Light design, Economics and art market.
During the three-year course of Architecture the student will be able to take part in courses of Fundamentals of Computer Science, English Language, seminars, workshops and training internships.
The training credits provided are 180 for a total of 29 exams. For more details on individual subjects download study plan.
In section Enrollment you will find all necessary infos to choose Fine Arts Academy of Sanremo.
List of subjects and teachers of Interior Architecture and Design Course (italian)