
The Three-Years Academic Diploma in Painting connotes a professional figure in line with our time, both in terms of cultural preparation and the exercise of skills and competences.
The same skills, constantly evolving, to integrate the specific painter-decorator, open to design, interior architecture, urban planning, environment and territory.

Professional outlets

The versatile and multifaceted professionalism of the painter, revisited and restructured by the contributions of new technologies, naturally applies to operations in the field of visual arts, where he expresses his ability to conceive and create works of art according to a personal poetics, and in the field of conservation and restoration of works from the past. Here, today’s painter knows how to set up conservative restoration work, with particular attention to the redevelopment of wall painting: facades, decorative cycles; of painting on canvas: consolidation and recovery of paintings, color selection, pictorial integration; and of the pictorial decoration in general: lacquers, gilding, stucco reliefs.

The classrooms of the course

Study plan of Three-Years Academic Diploma in Painting

The course provides basic training activities: Artistic Anatomy, Drawing, Aesthetics, History of Contemporary Art, History of Modern Art, Theory of Perception and Psychology of Form, for a total of 44 credits.
The characterizing activities carried out in the three years will be divided into: Engraving Techniques, Painting, Painting Techniques, Extramedial Techniques, Digital Applications for Art, Computer Art, Phenomenology of Contemporary Arts, for a total of 64 credits.
The study plan also includes integrative or similar training activities: Decoration, Illustration, Restoration of paintings on canvas and on table, Photography, Design of stands, Theory and method of mass media, Management for art, Economics and market of art, for a total of 40 credits – to which are added the 10 credits of educational activities chosen by the student: Anatomy of the image, Phenomenology of the image, Cultural and environmental heritage, Valorisation of architectural and landscape assets.
During the three-year course of Painting the student will be able to take part in the courses of: Fundamentals of Computer Science, English Language, seminars, workshops and training internships.

The training credits provided are 180, for a total of 30 exams. For more details on individual subjects, download study plan.
In section Enrollment you will find all infos to choose Fine Arts Academy of Sanremo.

List of subjects and teachers of Painting Course (italian)

Download pdf

ABAV01Anatomia artisticaAnatomia artistica 16
ABAV01Anatomia artisticaAnatomia artistica 26
ABST47Stile, storia dell'arte e del costumeStoria dell'arte contemporanea 16
ABST47Stile, storia dell'arte e del costumeStoria dell'arte contemporanea 26Federica Florefederica.flore@accademiabelleartisanremo.itpdf
ABST47Stile, storia dell'arte e del costumeStori dell'arte moderna4
ABST58Teoria della percezione e psicologia della formaTeoria della percezione e psicologia della forma4Leslie Lucy Ametoleslieameto@libero.itpdf
ABAV02Tecniche dell'incisione - Grafica d'arteTecniche dell'incisione6Elena Fronteroelena.frontero@accademiabelleartisanremo.itpdf
ABAV05PitturaPittura 1
ABAV05PitturaPittura 2
ABAV05PitturaPittura 310Anna Skoromnayaanna.skoromnaya@accademiabelleartisanremo.itpdf
ABAV06Tecniche per la pitturaTecniche pittoriche6
ABAV06Tecniche per la pitturaTecniche extramediali6Francesca Sampietrofrancesca.sampietro@accademiabelleartisanremo.itpdf
ABTEC38Applicazioni digitali per le arti visiveApplicazioni digitali per l'arte6Dario Crudeledario.crudele@accacemiabelleartisanremo.itpdf
ABTEC38Applicazioni digitali per le arti visiveComputer art6Erika Fornarierika.fornari@accademiabelleartisanremo.itpdf
ABST51Fenomenologia delle arti contemporaneeFenomenologia delle arti contemporanee4
ABPR02Tecniche dell'incisione - Grafica d'arteIllustrazione6
ABPR24Restauro per la pitturaRestauro dei dipinti su tela e su tavola4Patrizia
ABPVA64Museografia e progettazione degli spazi espositiviProgettazione di allestimenti4
ABPC65Teoria e metodo dei mass mediaTeoria e metodo dei mass media4Enrico Molinarienrico@enricomolinari.compdf
ABLE69Marketing e managementManagement per l'arte4
ABLE70Legislazione e economia delle arti e dello spettacoloEconomia e mercato dell'arte4Enrico Molinarienrico@enricomolinari.compdf
ABTEC39Tecnologie dell'informaticaFondamenti di Informatica4Francesca Sampietrofrancesca.sampietro@accademiabelleartisanremo.itpdf
ABVPA61Beni culturali e ambientaliBeni culturali e ambientali4Federica Florefederica.flore@accademiabelleartisanremo.itpdf
ABVPA62Teorie e pratiche della valorizzazione dei beni culturaliValorizzazione dei beni architettonici e paesaggistici4Guido Gambinguido.gambin@me.compdf
ABST46EsteticaFenomenologia dell'immagine6
ABAV01Anatomia artisticaAnatomia dell'immagine6Leslie Lucy Ametoleslieameto@libero.itpdf